Starring: | | | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 1978

Running time: 113


Michael says: “Released in 1978, COMA came from an era before thrillers had to be action movies. Set in Boston, a young resident, Dr. Susan Wheeler begins to suspect something strange is going on when a good friend lapses into a coma after undergoing a simple medical procedure. No one seems concerned, and try to pass Wheeler’s concerns off as her emotional state… she is a woman, after all. Her persistence begins to bother the higher-ups, but with the somewhat unwilling help of her doctor boyfriend, Dr. Mark Bellows, her suspicion’s grow. After finding someone who wants to share some vital information, Dr. Wheeler finds herself being followed by a menacing figure, who she leaves on a merry chase throughout the teaching hospital, ending up in the morgue for one of the film’s most chilling scenes. The denouement does include her being rescued by Dr. Bellows, but only because of her careful work, and her last minute warning.

“It was nice to see Genvieve Bujold in the height of her career. She makes a competent and believable prrotagonist, and has just the right attitude and demeanor to play a woman with smarts and determination coming up against the patriarchy of the mid-70’s. Michael Douglas is good as Bellows, his condescending attitude entwined with genuine concern, allowing him to come across as a typical male of the time. The suspense is good, and while some define COMA as a horror movie, it’s not all that scary, although that one scene I referenced earlier is pretty fun, and it’s always nice to see Boston used as the backdrop for a film. 4 cats

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