By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Christian Sonderegger
Starring: Coby | Ellen Richard-Hunt | Jacob Hunt | Sara Mound
Country: france, united_states
Year: 2017
Running time: 78
Thom says: “I had seen Coby previously in an episode of QUOTIDIEN and was won over by his boyish charm. This telling documentary expands on the theme of the transformation of Coby from a 21-year-old female to a 21-year-old male, & he totally carries it off. Fortunate enough to be adorable and charming in both guises speaks so well of the great contribution of the spirit to gain self-worth. Coby is also blessed with an amazing friend and family support unit that should exist everywhere in a perfect world. Coby’s mother, father, two brothers, and girl friend are all totally behind his need. I moved into a gay retirement apartment complex in June and there are at least 4 transgender people living here, two men & two women & I must say I love me eyes and ears expanding their understanding of the world as it should be. So, while Coby and family live in Chagrin Falls, Ohio it’s wonderful to know that he would be welcome here. 4 cats“