Starring: | | | | | |


Country: south_africa, united_states

Year: 2012

Running time: 84


Thom says: “This fast-paced earner certainly moved right along and I loved using Seattle as the background city (I grew up there) but the characters were all so hackneyed and the resolution so incomplete, plus there was that hand-held camera hokum (although decently done here) that I came away nonplussed from the proceedings. Three teens (one a pitiful put-upon student who’s tormented by the mean teens in his school) go spelunking and end up radiated by some alien light form that gives them all the power of telekinesis or teleportation (I’m not certain of the shading of differences). The tortured teen also has a wretched home life and with his new-found powers he finally snaps. Played by young Dane DeHaan, the part is eerily similar to his recent stint on HBO’s addictive therapist series “In Treatment” so I’m not convinced he has a range. There’s some well-played air thrills but the film doesn’t have much of a story. 2 cats





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