By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Alfonso Cuarón
Starring: Claire-Hope Ashitey | Clive Owen | Julianne Moore | Michael Caine | Pam Ferris

Country: japan, united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2006
Running time: 107
Shannon says: “I must say that CHILDREN OF MEN is one of the most captivating films I have seen in quite a while. Clive Owen is amazing as a reluctant hero; and the film, which is ultimately the story of a journey, encapsulates such prescient topics (albeit some of the tangentially) as the war in Iraq, prisoner abuse, immigration, environmentalism and hope. There is a strong religious undertone as well. The film is directed by Alfonso Cuaron (Y TU MAMA TAMBIEN and the 3rd Harry Potter) and stars Clive Owen, Julianna Moore, Michael Caine, Pam Ferris and Claire-Hope Ashitey who all give great performances. To give you a brief synopsis of the set up: the film is set in the year 2027 when the world has been experiencing an infertility crisis–the youngest person on earth has just died at the age of 18.
“Technically, this film is on the cutting edge, with some of the most amazing one-shot action sequences (some of them clocking in at around 12 minutes) I have ever seen committed to film. Especially amazing is a car chase/attack sequence that uses innovative camera technology. Check out all the extras on the DVD–they are amazing.
“I strongly recommend this film–I watched it, and all of the extras, twice in two days! I’d be curious to hear any other thoughts on it…”