By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.125 cats
Director: Emmanuel Shirinian
Starring: Aaron Abrams | Alon Nashman | Anna Hopkins | Emma Fleury | Michael D. Cohen | Phyllis Ellis

Country: canada
Year: 2014
Running time: 80
Michael says: “Here’s an independent film that deserves a wider audience, and I wouldn’t have known about it at all except that a Chlotrudis member is actually the star of the film. Michael D. Cohen stars as Abner in IT WAS YOU CHARLIE, a sweet and sad film about coping. Abner is bitter and heartbroken when on his 40th birthday, he finds out that the woman he is in love with is actually in love with his brother. Despite their closeness, a hurt Abner rejects his brother, and now two years later, he is contemplating committing suicide. To add to his confusion and anxiety, a friendly cab driver keeps popping up in unlikely places and has an strange interest in Abner, and two men in trenchcoats seem to be following him.
“There’s a sadness pervading the film, but it’s not depressing. Writer/director Emmanuel Shirinian sprinkles some quiet humor but his choice of a debut feature narrative isn’t an easy one. We’re dropped into the middle of a story that jumps around in time. While it takes place essentially over 24 hours, the story spans three years. Shirinian does a wonderful job without resorting to some shortcuts that lots of first-time filmmakers will fall back on, like easy humor, or too much exposition. Shirinian makes a point of leaving lots of backstory out, referencing past events but not explaining them.
“With a great script, the rest of the film’s success is ably assisted by lead actor Michael D. Cohen. who tackles such a tough role that is both simultaneously alienating and sympathetic. His distinctive voice and expressive eyes really add a lot to Abner’s character and allow the viewer to take this journey with him. 4 cats”
Scot says: “I am afraid I couldn’t put my full attention toward this film so, I only caught a lot of the dialog from the other room as I prepared dinner and some visuals later as I studied with headphones on my laptop. But I’ll second Michael’s assessment of Mr. Cohen’s performance. His voice was really captivating and he’s an incredibly charismatic actor. I’m glad he brought the film to our attention. Y’all should probably check it out.”
Julie says: “I saw this awhile ago and really enjoyed it. It’s like a book you can’t put down – mesmerizing! 4.25 cats – worth watching – possibly buried treasure?”