By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2 cats
Director: Mikael Marcimain
Starring: David Dencik | Kristoffer Joner | Outi Mäenpää | Pernilla August | Ruth Vega Hernandez | Sven Nordin

Country: finland, ireland, norway, sweden
Year: 2012
Running time: 140
Thom says: “CALL GIRL is set in the late 1970s – The film takes us on an excursion from the lowest of Swedish society (young teenage girls who are emotionally fucked-up, to the point where they refuse to respond to any kind of guidance in the scary institutions they’re placed in) along dark alleyways, through glitzy, trashy glamour, to the corridors of power which are a maze of dirty associations. The story is an adaptation of a Swedish political scandal known as Bordellhärvan which shockingly joined to underage girl hookers with powerful customers that came from the upper strata of Swedish power brokers. Certainly there was material here for a great film but the two girls who play the 14-year-old chippies are so unattractive and un-involved with what they are doing it makes the film a real drudge of banality. The evil madam is the best thing about this film. Story themes that are fictionalized seem like cheap shots to jack-up the dull plot. 2 cats”