By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.25
Director: Lee Hirsch

Country: united_states
Year: 2012
Running time: 98
Thom says: “Here’s another film I had high expectations for that ended up being disappointing. I’m all for the purpose of the film as I loathe bullies. I’ve been rather lucky as I never was much bothered by bullies until late in my life. The last three years of my career were overseen by an obnoxious creep and the experience eventually precipitated my retirement in February. I can’t tell you how much brighter my life is now that she’s out of it. This well-intentioned documentary concentrated on school bullies and specifically three students who go through Hell-on-earth enduring the cruel, odious taunts of these heinous shitheads. For those of us raised with love the bullying factor is inexplicable so it’s a valuable look that the film provides but the examples are woefully too small in number and don’t leave enough of an impact. 3 cats”
Toni says: “Paul and I recently saw this and I agree that this film had such potential; however, it was too uneven in weaving the stories and did not focus enough on an individual story or just begin to scratch the surface on the problems in schools. Each story could have had its own documentary since not all of them connected well enough. It is not to say the film did not move me or make me cry. I, too, was bullied pretty badly in school from 2nd grade through high school so I am glad that the documentary exists and hope others might come out on this subject out of the film’s hype down the line. 3.5 cats”