By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.25
Director: Susanne Bier
Starring: Connie Nielsen | Nikolaj Lie Kaas | Sarah Juel Werner | Ulrich Thomsen

Country: denmark
Year: 2005
Running time: 117
Michael says: “Susanne Bier made a splash among Chlotrudis members with 2002’s OPEN HEARTS. In BROTHERS she creates a situation involving Michael (Ulrich Thomsen), a major in the Danish army who is being sent to Afghanistan as part of a UN peacekeeping mission, his brother Jannick (Nikolaj Lie Kaas), a rebellious type freshly released from prison after serving time for a robbery and assault, and his wife, Sarah (Connie Nielsen). When Michael’s helicopter is shot down and he is presumed dead, Jannick must grow up in order to help Sarah and her two daughters deal with Michael’s absence. When Michael returns after months of hellish imprisonment, he is a changed man. In order to survive and return to his family, Michael endured intense psychological distress and he is unable to confide in anyone. The resulting post-traumatic stress disorder affects him and his family in this intense, emotionally arresting film. Bier keeps the story challenging by never allowing things to follow a conventional route. Danish actress Sarah Juel Werner puts in a strong performance as Michael and Sarah’s older daughter. BROTHERS was written by Anders Thomas Jensen, who co-wrote WILBUR WANTS TO KILL HIMSELF. 4 cats”
Hilary says: “From the first moment we see the titular characters of this film, we know that they are complete opposites. Older brother Michael (Ulrich Thomsen) is a clean-cut Danish Army major, the responsible, stable, married father of two daughters, preparing for a tour of duty in Afghanistan. By contrast, scruffy Jannik (Nikolaj Lie Kaas), is just coming out of prison for bank robbery and seems to have no intention of getting his life in order.
“The tensions of the greater family are quickly revealed at a dinner that serves both as a send-off for Michael and a welcome celebration for Jannik. Michael’s wife Sarah (Connie Nielsen, GLADIATOR, speaking in her native language) tries to stay positive for the benefit of their daughters, Michael & Jannik’s mother fusses over her family and the large meal she’s prepared, but the father won’t play along; he makes no secret of the fact that he reveres his older son and has no faith in the younger.
“Michael’s tour of duty has barely begun when his helicopter crashes and he is reported dead. In reality, Michael is alive but has been taken captive by Afghan rebels. The story unfolds contrasting Michael’s life in captivity with Jannik’s re-entry into the world post-prison.
“BROTHERS alternates between fairly flat domestic drama and scenes of serious violence, which made it difficult for me to engage in the story. 2 ½ cats”