Starring: | | | | |


Country: united_kingdom

Year: 2009

Running time: 92


Diane says: “Biopic of a violent criminal who’s spent a couple dozen years in solitary. FIGHT CLUB meets BEING THERE meets CABARET. When Bronson isn’t derangedly attacking someone or himself, he’s the epitome of quiet and stillness. It’s not the calm before the storm, but an absence–of thought? So the movie alternates between chaos and static shots. Helmer Refn’s approach is stylized and displays an attitude: characters are listed in the credits as ‘homo con,’ ‘loons,’ etc. Grandiose soundtrack of Verdi, Wagner, etc. is fitting. Tom Hardy is outstanding as the muscular, mustachioed Bronson, channeling Jim Carrey in his elastic face. He gained 100 pounds to play the part eating 6,000 calories a day, and working out the way you’d have to if you only had four walls and a bed. The question remains: what is society to do with people like Bronson?”



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