By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.75 cats
Director: Jim Jarmusch
Starring: Bill Murray | Chloe Sevigny | Frances Conroy | Jeffrey Wright | Jessica Lange | Julie Delpy | Sharon Stone | Tilda Swinton

Country: france, united_states
Year: 2005
Running time: 105
Chris says: “In Jim Jarmusch’s Cannes-winning film, Bill Murray plays Don Johnston, a weathered, aging lothario and terminal bachelor forever explaining to bemused people that his last name is Johnston with a ‘T.’ Shortly after his latest flame, Sherry (Julie Delpy) leaves him, he receives an anonymous letter from an ex-lover who informs him that he is the father of her 19-year-old son, who has just left home and set off to find him.
“Encouraged by his next-door neighbor, Winston (Jeffrey Wright), Don embarks on a cross-country trip to see four possible women who might’ve sent the letter, played by an impressive quartet of actresses: Frances Conroy, Jessica Lange, an unrecognizable Tilda Swinton and a surprisingly good Sharon Stone. The film’s title comes from Winston’s insistence that Don arrives at each woman’s door unannounced, but with a welcoming bouquet of flowers. As is typical for Jarmusch, the film is exceedingly deadpan and leisurely paced, with many lingering silences occasionally punctuated by an effectively moody, thoughtfully compiled soundtrack.
“By the final third, it’s apparent that whether or not Don finds his son or identifies his mother is irrelevant: the film is Don: a beatific, unsentimental character study about loneliness and a lifetime of unforeseen changes, missed opportunities, and disquieting heartbreaks piling up. As much as the word ‘haunting’ has become cliche, it’s the most appropriate
one I can think of to overall describe this film–especially in the many scenes between Don’s visits simply showing him driving down a highway or sitting in a plane. They masterfully express everything that needs to be said, not in words but in silences, facial expressions and other body language.
“Although not as original or all-out engaging as, say, ME AND YOU AND EVERYONE WE KNOW, this is easily Jarmusch’s best film since the great STRANGER THAN PARADISE. So far, Murray will be the best actor to beat come awards time. 4.5 cats”
Michael says: “Despite a promising storyline, and intriguing cast, and a talented filmmaker, I was underwhelmed by Jim Jarmusch’s BROKEN FLOWERS. Bill Murray plays Don Johnston, an aging Don Juan who receives an anonymous letter from
a former lover telling him that he has an 18-year-old son. His neighbor, played wonderfully by Jeffrey Wright, senses a chance to utilize his frustrated detective skills to aid Don in his search, despite the fact that Don isn’t very interested in pursuing this mystery.
“Don’s search reunites him with four of his former girlfriends, played by a series of talented and vibrant actresses, Sharon Stone, Frances Conroy, Jessica Lange, and Tilda Swinton. So much potential, so little realized.
“BOKEN FLOWERS is wonderfully shot by cinematographer Frederick Elmes, and Bill Murray is capable as the broken lothario who is questioning his life. The main problem for me was the screenplay, which is dulling in its simplicity, and heavy-handed in its message. There are some nice moments to be sure, but overall the film seemed leaden. Perhaps the biggest disappointment was the rich talent embodied by the women in the film. Along with the four mentioned above, Julie Delpy and Chloe Sevigny present a half dozen vital, engaging actresses ready to explode with promise. Unfortunately, each actress is given a minimum of screentime, and merely act as mouthpieces to deliver portions of their pasts, and hence, fill in Don’s. Regretfully, I can only stretch the strengths of BROKEN FLOWERS to a 3 cats rating.”
Hilary says: “I’m with Michael — I wanted to love BROKEN FLOWERS more than I did. Though, considering that I walked out of the last Jarmusch film I saw in a theatre (DEAD MAN), by contrast I really enjoyed it.
“This is a s-l-o-w one, but a couple scenes make it worth the trip.
“LOVED the dinner with Frances Conroy and hubby played by beloved D-lister Christopher McDonald; brilliantly awkward. 3 cats”
Thom says: “I really loved BROKEN FLOWERS, but then I’m quite partial to Jim Jarmusch. I’ve loved all his films I’ve seen except the inexplicably dull DEAD MAN. It certainly doesn’t hurt that Tilda Swinton, Frances Conroy, & Chloe Sevigny are all goddesses to me. I found the film sweet and sincere. 4.5 CATS”