By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 1 cat
Director: Roland Vranik
Starring: Gergely Bánki | Péter Albert | Tamás Balikó

Original language title: Fekete kefe
Country: hungary
Year: 2006
Running time: 83
Bruce says: “From its description BLACK BRUSH (FEKETE KEFE) is a Hungarian slacker film featuring four novice chimney
sweeps and a stoned goat. Sounds irresistible, no? The plot is whacky enough but the dialogue (hopefully a bad translation) is inane.
“The chimney sweeps are inept. One of them gambles away the money that the boss has given them for buying supplies. They are feeling desperate when they meet a friend who is feeding a goat hashish so he can collect and sell the goat shit for smoking. The chimney sweeps decide they can recoup the money from the gambling losses by stealing a goat and going into the goat shit business, too. That their plans don’t proceed smoothly should be no surprise.
“Two of the three people with me when I saw this film were lucky enough to fall asleep. The goat won’t get nominated for any awards because no one will know whether to nominate in the Best Supporting Actress or Best Supporting Actor category; the chimney sweeps won’t get nominated because none of them could act. A few scenes are beautifully shot and redeem the film slightly, saving it from becoming a less-than-one cat disaster. 1 cat
“BLACK BRUSH was screened at the 2006 Woodstock Film Festival.”