By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.4
Director: Todd Field
Starring: Marisa Tomei | Sissy Spacek | Tom Wilkinson

Country: united_states
Year: 2001
Running time: 130
Diane says: “Will be nom’ing this for Best Director and Best Actor (Tom Wilkinson–oh, the man with the garden gnome in THE FULL MONTY!). Great drawing out of the Andre Dubus story, with a well-chosen cast (but could Marisa Tomei not be so passive in her next movie–how about the hero of an action film?).
“Here’s another film that makes beautiful use of silence. Many simple shots held for longer than usual, that speak volumes: a hand on an arm, an open window…. The coastal Maine setting really works; characters and relationships are portrayed with depth.
“My only complaints are with the very quick turnabouts in the relationship between mother and father. Doesn’t seem realistic.” 4 cats
Laura says: “I finally caught IN THE BEDROOM this week and it jumped right into my top 10 – Wilkinson and Spacek are amazing and Tomei and Stahl are good’s also set in the area I spend Thanksgiving at every year – midcoastal Maine…opens 12/25 at the Kendall and West Newton in the Boston area. Another fabulous first feature debut by actor Todd Field (the piano player in EYES WIDE SHUT.)” 5 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “”
Michael says: “IN THE BEDROOM is an amazing directorial debut from actor Todd Field (WALKING & TALKING, EYES WIDE SHUT). There isn’t a single unnecessary scene, or wasted piece of dialogue in this elegantly shot family drama.
“Set in Camden, Maine, IN THE BEDROOM revolves around a mid-50’s aged couple and the shocking way the cope with a terrible tragedy that strikes their family which consists of a single son. Sissy Spacek and Tom Wilkinson are sublime as the parents acting with economic simplicity to tell their story. The entire cast is excellent, including Marisa Tomei as the son’s older, not-quite-divorced girlfriend. Celia Weston is dead-on as a family friend, and it’s always nice to see Karen Allen surprise me in a little role. (She did the same in WORLD TRAVELER, the fortchcoming Bart Freundlich film I caught in Toronto.)
“Adapted by a short story written by Andre Dubus, Field and co-writer Robert Festinger do a masterful job with the screenplay, which will definitely get a nomination. One of several, I’m sure. IN THE BEDROOM truly captures the strangled emotional realtionships in a happy family, while also underlining the oft-used by Stephen King theme of dark works occurring in tiny Maine towns.
“Don’t miss IN THE BEDROOM.” 5 cats
Phred says: “This is a wonderful film. The father/doctor, in particluar, is great. He doesn’t seem impressive at first, but his gentle, understated character and wisdom grow on you. It’s also nice to see a man portrayed as being so emotionally smart and present.
“A person sitting behind me said it was the most depressing film they’d ever seen. It wasn’t for me at all. It deals with tough, life-changing events in an unusually realistic manner, but there is hope in their experience.” 4 cats
Robin says: “Helmer Field has crossed over from in front of the camera (EYES WIDE SHUT) to behind in an accomplished work that, thanks greatly to the outstanding cast involved, has the assured look and feel of a more mature directing hand. Field and Rob Festinger adapt a story by the late Andre Dubus that is a study of a marriage that is falling apart. The Fowler couple doesn’t know it but their raison d’etre is based entirely on their love for their good-hearted, eminently likable son, Frank. Mom would do anything for her son and is overtly concerned about his relationship with Natalie. Dad treasures the times when he can play hooky from his busy practice and spend time helping Frank with his lobster fishing.” 4 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “”
Scot says: “Michael stole most of my good comments about this picture but I also wanted to make sure that anyone who can see this little masterpiece does so before nomination time. Of particular note are the performances by Marissa Tomei, Sissy Spaceck, Tom Wilkinson, and Celia Weston, like Michael mentioned. But I’ll be certainly nominating the film for Best Cast as a unit too. Direction, Screenplay, and Cinematography are all pretty likely from me as well.
“At two hours, ten minutes I found it verging on a ‘bladder buster’ though, so make any necessary preparations before the credits roll. I was glued to my seat despite the call of nature.” 4 1/2 cats