By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Ethan Coen | Joel Coen
Starring: Clancy Brown | Danny McCarthy | David Krumholtz | James Franco | Tim Blake Nelson | Willie Watson

Country: united_states
Year: 2018
Running time: 133
Chris says: “Pretty consistent for what amounts to six separate stories only related by genre (in this case, the Western); also solid for a Coen Brothers film, given how scattershot the last one was. Not as fully realized as NO COUNTRY FOR OLD MEN (or FARGO, for that matter), but it has a lot of beautifully shot, misanthropic fun. I appreciated how much deeper and bleaker it got with each chapter (christ, ‘Meal Ticket’ could be aBergman film), with the stagecoach ride at the end a brutally funny/eerie one-act play. Also, Tom Waits was born to portray an old, grizzled prospector. 4 cats“