By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.8 cats
Director: Werner Herzog
Starring: Brad Dourif | Eva Mendes | Fairuza Balk | Jennifer Coolidge | Nicolas Cage | Val Kilmer

Country: united_states
Year: 2009
Running time: 122
Thom says: “This film was an absolute blast and Herzog definitely has the last laugh. For months now folks have been moaning and wailing on the Internet about the horrible crime Herzog was committing by ‘remaking’ the Abel Ferrara classic with the redoubtable Harvey Keitel. In the first place the original BAD LIEUTENANT wasn’t all that good. In the second place this film is only vaguely like the original, thirdly this film is light years better that the first, & finally, Herzog didn’t even want to use the title but was forced to by the studio. With all that behind me, I must say that this was fantastic cinema about a psycho cop that truly defines the role. I haven’t liked Cage in years as he gets saddled with one stupid sci-fi film after another (I did love THE WEATHER MAN & MATCHSTICK MEN), but here he explodes with the top performance of his career and one he’ll always be remembered for. And even better great performances come from everywhere as if Cage influenced them all to new heights. It’s down and dirty, & very hectic, but fascinating and unpredictable from beginning to end. If any one sees the ending coming then I give you an A+++ 5 cats”
Diane says: “A moviegoer’s movie! Take the consummate movie-making of L.A. CONFIDENTIAL, add a dash of the craziness of ZATOICHI: THE BLIND SWORDSMAN…. Superbly done. 5 cats
“I hope and assume that Ned and Chris won’t mind having their comments (from the Boston email list) spread around, to encourage folks to see this film. I’ve copied their remarks below. -Diane
“Ned wrote: ‘Seriously, everyone should go see this movie.
“Heck, if I didn’t have to be at the Brattle, I’d be going AGAIN tonight. Great movie, great performances, it’s even worth thinking about what points it might be trying to make vis-à-vis post-Katrina N.O. – but maybe not.
In any case, it’s a lot of fun. Don’t be put off by the whole ‘Bad Lt.’ thing. It is neither a remake nor a sequel. Nor is it significantly similar in tone or theme to the original – unless it’s in the utterly committed, over the top performance of the lead.
See it and enjoy… And watch out for those iguanas.’
“and Chris wrote: ‘Yes, don’t let Nicolas Cage put you off… it is a perfect role for him and I think only Herzog could guide him through such a go-for-broke performance. And although this may be Herzog’s most American film, it reminded me of his classic 1970s work (I think it even incorporates a piece of music from ‘Stroszek!’).’
“[I second that comment about Cage’s role under Herzog’s direction. -Diane] ”
Thom responds: “I totally agree & I’m thrilled you all thought that way. Considering I’d long ago given up all hope of Cage ever reclaiming his acting talent this was far beyond any expectation I might have had. Jennifer Coolidge also steps way out of her comfort zone to produce her best performance ever. Herzog is the man!! It really does seem like a moviegoer’s movie as no nominations are coming the film’s way.”
Beth Caldwell says: “This film I loved. In the beginning the coarse over-tried acting was getting on my nerves. I began to think ‘what the hell is wrong with Herzog?’ Soon after I began contemplating whether or not to walk out of the film, the true Herzog was revealed! I should’ve known! It was probably his intention all along to begin by mimicking hollywood cops and gangster films, only to peel away those layers at strategic times so that Herzog’s more clever ideas can take the stage. Very pleased! 4 1/2 cats”