By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Andreas Fontana
Starring: Alexandre Trocki | Carmen Iriondo | Elli Medeiros | Fabrizio Rongione | Pablo Torre Nilson | Stéphanie Cléau

Country: argentina, france, switzerland
Year: 2021
Running time: 100
Chris says: “Nearly as dry as Bresson, Andreas Fontana’s Buenos Aires, 1980-set film implores one to put in the work into figuring out what it’s all about. Shots of a boat traveling down a foreboding stretch of river reminded me of STAYING VERTICAL though this film’s disquiet could not be further from that film’s nonchalance. In the end, AZOR comes down to that old adage, ‘Everyone has a price’, but the reasoning is rarely transparent. 4 cats“