By Michael Colford
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Julian Schnabel
Starring: Emmanuelle Seignier | Mads Mikkelsen | Mathieu Amalric | Oscar Isaac | Rupert Friend | Willem Dafoe

Country: france, switzerland, united_kingdom, united_states
Year: 2018
Running time: 110
Chris says: “In theory, Willem Dafoe seems a misguided choice to play Van Gogh, given the age difference, lack of resemblance, etc. Happily, he makes a stunning transformation without resorting to extravagant physical enhancements like Gary Oldman as Churchill–he embodies the man, his body, mind and soul; it’s as sharp a left turn as Dafoe could take from last year’s THE FLORIDA PROJECT. At times, Julian Schnabel’s film is a tad more pretentious than provocative, but his imagery is inspired, visually recalling the artist’s renowned landscapes and portraits without coming off as mere copies–an impressionist take on a post-impressionist. 3.5 cats”