By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2.3
Director: Niels Mueller
Starring: Don Cheadle | Naomi Watts | Sean Penn

Country: mexico, united_states
Year: 2005
Running time: 95
Barbara says: “Extremely bleak film which was ‘inspired’ by a true event. For 90% of it I thought Sean Penn was doing a fair imitation of Dustin Hoffman. For the remainder he reprised his role as the mentally challenged character Sam in I am Sam. His name in this film is also Sam. The character Sam Bicke is portrayed as an individual who wants a perfect world where people don’t lie or cheat yet he is a salesman…..a very unsuccessful one. As the film unfolds and one catastrophe after another befalls Sam I felt less and less sympathy for him. Naomi Watts has a small part as his ex-wife and Don Cheadle was good as his friend. 1 Cat”
Thom says: “Wouldn’t you know it, but I rather liked this film. The Lord above knows that it was indeed a very grim film, with
an inappropriate title since Nixon wasn’t actually assassinated. I felt Penn did an outstanding job as a desperate man, spinning further and further out of control. I also thought the film was very honest with great gravity & insight into issues that still surround us today. For a 1st effort I thought that director Niels Mueller did a fine job. Admittedly, there was nothing pleasant
about the film. 3.5 CATS”
Hilary says: “Yes, this film does collapse under its own weight but yet another fantastic performance from Sean Penn.
Best Actor nom for Penn; 2 1/2 cats for everything else.”