By Chris Kriofske
Rating: 4.25 cats
Director: Todd Douglas Miller

Country: united_states
Year: 2019
Running time: 93
Chris says: “Not to diminish all the great moon-landing footage, what stuck with me most here was the first half-hour: a fascinating time capsule of what this country and its people looked like fifty years ago, restored to appear as if you were viewing it at that time. 4 cats”
Julie says: “If you’re looking for a last doc to see I recommend APOLLO 11. I haven’t finished this yet but it is a stellar doc so far as far as quality of film (70mm large format not previously seen film footage), cinematography, editing and the use of music is great. I recommend (thanks for listing this one Chris K!) I am not sure who the credit goes to for the cinematography and editing at this point but it is well done with lots of interesting details never seem before. The addition of the music really adds to the telling of the story. So far at least 4.5 cats maybe more.