By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2.5 cats
Director: Alan Cummings | Jennifer Jason Leigh
Starring: Alan Cummings | Jennifer Jason Leigh

Country: united_states
Year: 2001
Running time: 115
Diane says: “Self-indulgent story about self-indulgent people. I liked some of the acting (Adams, Cates), and I always love to see John Reilly; only found one character actually interesting, though: the neighbor woman.” 2 cats
Michael says: “I did like some things about this film. Jane Adams was hysterical. Her neurotically neurotic new mother, while over-the-top, was just incredibly funny. I also really enjoyed Pheobe Cates doing the other end of the spectrum as the former actress who is superficially content with her new life a mother of two children, and wife to a famous movie star. The look of the film was outstanding. I kept forgetting that it was shot of digital video. Very nice quality.
“Other than that there’s not much to recommend here. Movies about the trials and tribulations about being in the industry are often pretty self-indulgent and don’t really appeal to me. Too many of the characters seemed somewhat extraneous, as if Cummings and Leigh just had to squeeze all their friends in there somehow. Several of the characters could have been combined. And I really didn’t see an original idea through the entire film. I felt like I’d seen it all before, in such films as IT’S MY PARTY, THE BIG CHILL, or even Leigh’s other recent work, THE KING IS ALIVE. I won’t even touch upon the embarrassing confrontation scene…” 1.5 cats
Kevin says: “I liked this movie quite a bit, but it was definitely flawed. The story structure was really pretty sloppy, and the film had its ups and downs. However, for their first film, co-directors/writers Alan Cumming and Leigh did an admirable job. The DV cinematography is absolutely breath-taking (I just got a DV camcorder actually, which is really exciting for me). Many parts were very funny (the ensemble did a great job as a whole, Gwyneth Paltrow was particularly good) and some of it was very painful to watch, which is a compliment to the film-makers. Cumming and Leigh were fantastic as well. The story…well, it was choppy, and the blocking was noticeably awkward at times…a few scenes felt very forced. Still, the good definitely outweighs the bad here and kudos again to Cumming and Leigh…go check out THE ANNIVERSARY PARTY.” 3 1/2 cats
Ellen says: “I found the film to be humorous when the point seemed to be to show these people as vapid Hollywood types. When the film decided to get serious about issues like abortion, death, etc, I thought it lost its direction. I have to agree with Michael – the fight scene while the two main characters are out looking
for their dog was embarrassing. On the plus side, I thought the character of Claire was just great!” 3 cats
Emily says: “I enjoyed watching this film, and some of the performances, but overall, didn’t feel it was nomination material. But I did like watching it. there were some really great moments, so I still recommend seeing it.”
Laura says: “We know we’re getting an ‘insider’ look at Hollywood Industry players as the film begins with Joe and Sally taking instruction from a personal trainer as their housekeeper and cook race around preparing for their party. They seem happy, but cracks begin to appear even before their guest begin to arrive. It seems Joe’s insensitively invited stranger Skye Davidson (Gwyneth Paltrow), a twentyish superstar who will play the lead in his new movie – a role everyone knows he based on Sally.” 3 cats
For Laura’s complete review: ““
Tim says: “Very mixed reviews from me. The story didn’t interest me, and neither did the two central characters, for the most part. The women in the supporting cast were all wonderful…Phoebe Cates, Jane Adams, Parker Posey, Jennifer Beals, and especially Mina Badie as the next door neighbor. The climactic scene of conflict between Alan Cumming and Jennifer Jason Leigh left me feeling very sour. It didn’t seem real (or perhaps was too real for me) and it just didn’t agree with me. Oddly enough, I feel that the drugs saved the movie for me. It changed the movie from a day in the life of industry types which doesn’t interest me at all, into a movie of mini-movies about random people who happened to be in the same group of friends. While it wasn’t spectacular, it was certainly interesting to watch. I think the digital video helped make the movie more personal. If nothing else, this gave me some ideas for future supporting
actress nominations.”