Starring: | | |

Anne at 13,000 Ft

Country: canada

Year: 2022

Running time: 75


Michael says: “For my second film at the New Directors/New Film Festival, I screened ANNE AT 13,000 FT., a film with a Chlotrudis connection. Writer/director Kazik Radwanski submitted a short film in 2007 for the 8th annual Chlotrudis Short Film Festival called ASSAULT. It was a very powerful calling card, and I’ve followed this young man’s career ever since, through a couple more short, and his first two feature films, TOWER and HOW HEAVY THIS HAMMER. Had the pleasure of meeting Kazik at the Toronto International Film Festival way back in the day, and I’m pleased to see he’s still making films that are receiving critical acclaim.

“Radwanski’s films are up close and personal… so much so that there is a certain level of discomfort in watching them. He uses intense emotions and extreme close-ups to drive his points home. ANNE AT 13,000 FT. introduces us to a young woman who works at a daycare center. As a bridesmaid for one of her co-workers, she, along with the bridal party, jump out of a plane to do some tandem skydiving. The exhilaration and yes, calm, Anne feels is something she yearns for again when she is back in her regular life. And there’s definitely something different about Anne. At first it’s just some inappropriate laughter, discomfort in social settings, in appropriate work decisions… that soon reveal themselves to be a struggle with mental illness. This portrait of a woman dealing with an illness is poignant, yet unflinching, as those around her struggle to provide assistance and support.

“Deragh Campbell is riveting as Anne, and it’s with trepidation we watch her try to navigate every day life with this incredible burden. Her performance is so raw and open it’s hard to remember you are watching a film. Radwanski’s directing style keeps that honesty up front and in your face, daring you to judge while his camera holds unflinchingly as Anne makes bad decisions or behaves in ways we can’t understand. I hope ANNE AT 13,000 FT. gets a release in the U.S. because it’s powerful film that deserves to be seen. I look forward to following Kazik’s career as he continues to confound and fascinate. 4 1/2 cats


Chris says: “The rare feature that could actually be a little longer, though I have no complaints about Deragh Campbell’s bold, tightrope-walking performance. 3.5 cats

Anne at 13,000 Ft.

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