By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Mike Nichols
Starring: Al Pacino | Ben Shenkman | Emma Thompson | Jeffrey Wright | Justin Kirk | Mary Louise Parker | Meryl Streep

Country: united_states
Year: 2004
Running time: 352
Michael says: “Tony Kushner’s Pulitzer Prize-Winning play was adapted into a 6-hour HBO miniseries a couple years ago, with stunning results. Kudos to Mike Nichols and Kushner for doing a splendid job adapting the stage play to the screen.
“I saw Angels in America: Millennium Approaches on stage in New York back when it first came out, but never followed up with Perestroika. Scot and I watched the miniseries in two sittings, the first four chapters the first night, and the last two chapters last night. The first part of our viewing, which encompassed all of Millennium Approaches, and the first hour of Perestroika, just blew me away. I was amazed how relevant the underlying political and social issues still were in the new millennium. I was delighted at how well the story played out both as a small story about people, and also a larger story about issues. I was also pleased to see how well the stage play translated to the big screen. It was easy to see why Kushner won the Pulitzer for this. Certainly this is one of the few (if not only) piece of works to successfully, both commercially and critically, tackle the AIDS crisis on such a grand, all-encompassing level, lifting it from the personal story (which has been done ad nausuem) to include such global issues.
“When we picked up the second half of the film last night, I was let down by the central chapter of Perstroika. It suddenly got quite stagey, with characters spouting passages of a script rather than talking in a more natural manner, which Kushner managed throughout the entire first half, even during socially themed monologues. Things started getting a little too over-the-top as stories spiralled toward their conclusion. Fortunately, Kushner and Nichols find their way back to the angelic heights in the final act where the global issues are pulled back down to the personal in a beautiful way.
“The HBO miniseries is greatly assisted by a terrific cast. Emma Thompson as The Angel of America/Nurse Emily/Homeless Woman is just superb, both moving and amazingly funny. I was surprised how the whole image of the angel is turned on its side and played for wacky humor in Perestroika. After the glorious foreboding that leads to her ultimate appearance at the conclusion of Millennium Approaches, it was just crazy and delightful at how she was handled thereafter. It truly makes me wish Emma would start working more often again. Meryl Streep and Al Pacino do terrific jobs, Pacino even reigning in his usual bombast except where called for. Of course, Mary Louise Parker is a joy to watch. Have you noticed that she seems to do some of her best work when playing opposite homosexual characters (LONGTIME COMPANION, THE FIVE SENSES)? Her heart-breaking portrayal of lost, lonely Harper lifted the character out of the monstrousness that seemed to have inhabited it when I saw Marcia Gay Harden bring the character to life on stage. Jeffrey Wright masterfully handles the humor and drama in the character of Belize, and lesser-known actor Justin Kirk as the arguable-lead character Prior Walter handles the role wonderfully. I was right there with him every step of the way, completely empathetic with another terrific balance between humor and heartbreak. Ben Shenkman also does a good job with a very unlikable (at least to me) character. It was difficult for me to work up any sympathy at all for Lou, but I am able to step back and see Shenkman’s performance as a good one.
“The one weak spot for me was Patrick Wilson as the Republican, closeted lawyer Joe Pitt. Once again, I find it amazingly difficult to connect in any way to characters who come across like Disney Princes. I’m not sure if it was the performance or the character that irked me… as I’m not sure his story arc really made much sense. Unfortunately, I just realized that Wilson plays opposite Ellen Page in the much-anticipated, controversial HARD CANDY coming out later this year. I’m sorry, I just didn’t see all that
much depth in his performance.
“Anyway, I know it’s 6 hours long, but it’s well worth it. It’s a very important work and while it might not change your life, it will hopefully make you think a little. 4 cats”