By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Alan Parker
Starring: Charlotte Rampling | Lisa Bonet | Mickey Rourke | Robert De Niro | Stocker Fontelieu

Year: 1987
Running time: 113
Laks says: “It was to my surprise that Hillary Mantel (Wolf Hall) wrote film reviews and even further more so that she reviewed ANGEL HEART. I never would have imagined De Niro taking on the role of the devil and I found both his character name (Louis Cypher) and his attention to his nails somewhat camp and a bit ridiculous but he does deliver on his devilishness as the film progresses, I especially loved the scene with De Niro peeling the egg. One cannot but be pulled in inexorably as we journeyed up and down a mysteriously surreal elevator shaft as the story starts, as if the protagonist had just woken up from having just experienced severe memory loss, in a hot corner office in Brooklyn to a series of murders that lead him to land in Voudoun New Orleans and which lead to deeper and deeper psychological collapse. A noiresque encounter with the denizens of the underworld, one previously familiar but hidden behind an unknown case of amnesia all of which unfurling to an otherworldly soundtrack! – 4/5 Cats