
Always at the Carlyle

Country: united_states

Year: 2018

Running time: 92


Thom says: “Here’s a perfectly competent, entertaining film about the iconic, internationally celebrated, fabulous New York destination hotel, the Carlyle. The hotel is the very definition of swanky, with elaborate furnishings, immaculate, refined service, & a staff that is devoted to the needs of their clients. There are innumerable testimonies from the varied employees of the famed hotel that give nothing but praise to their positions and legacy. Dozens of A-Class celebrities speak about their experiences at the hotel while giving away lots of delicious gossip. An intensive history of the hotel is detailed and loving. We learn that Kennedy and his legendary wife Jackie stayed at the Carlyle as well as British royalty, discretion advised. It’s all a perfect setting and a lovely story but I have to think it was almost an episode of LIFESTYLES OF THE RICH & FAMOUS. It was easy enough to be jealous of all the fascinating figures as I adore stays in hotels, but I’m not one to excessively dwell on unattainable goals, rather me thrilled with what I do have. This was like eating a sugar-laden bon-bon.”

Always at the Carlyle

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