By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.75 cats
Director: Aleem Khan
Starring: Joanna Scanlan | Nasser Memarzia | Nathalie Richard | Sudha Bhuchar | Talid Ariss

Year: 2023
Running time: 89
Julie says: “‘Set in the port town of Dover, Mary Hussain suddenly finds herself a widow following the unexpected death of her husband. A day after the burial, she discovers he has a secret just twenty-one miles across the English Channel in Calais.’ —
“This is all I needed to know, along with watching a bit of the trailer, to be quite intrigued to watch this film and it did not disappoint! I think this will be be one of my favorite movies this year. Joanna Scanlan’s performance is superb. I see a best actress nomination forthcoming. Excellent original score and wonderful use of sound. Cinematography is also noteworthy.
“On point comments from critics on imdb trailer and rotten tomatoes:
‘Devastatingly powerful story.’ Screen
“Various from Rotten Tomatoes:
‘After Love marks an impressively nuanced feature debut for writer-director Aleem Khan — and a brilliant showcase for Joanna Scanlan.’
‘A miraculous study of grief, jealousy and ultimately compassion, all executed with very little dialogue.’
‘A quietly devastating slow burn on what it really means to belong.’ 5 cats”
Michael says: “Set against a striking backdrop of the white cliffs of Dover in England, Mary a white woman clad in a full body burka traverses the English Channel to France. Mary has converted to Islam to marry her husband, and adopted their culture. When Mary’s husband unexpectedly dies, it’s not long before she discovers he had a secret family across the Channel. This propels her on a journey of grief mixed with revelation and self-discovery.
“British comedian Joanna Scanlan won the well-deserved BAFTA award for Best Actress for AFTER LOVE, and her subtle, internal work as she works through this heartfelt challenge is very powerful. Striking visuals, and a screenplay that avoids cliche make for a strong debut from writer/director Aleem Khan. 4 1/2 cats”
Diane says: “What a killer! Joanna Scanlan will get a best actress nom from me, too. Chris, you wondered about her for Breakout–she’s done so much work in the UK (as you said) that I fear we’d look very parochial!”