By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2 cats
Director: Lukas Moodysson
Starring: Björn Almroth | Goran Marjanovic | Sanna Bråding | Thorsten Flinck

Original language title: Ett hål i mitt hjärta
Country: denmark, sweden
Year: 2005
Running time: 98
Thom says: “I once spent a week in Malmö, where Moodysson lives with his family, which I know is neither here nor there. I’m sorry to report that this once very promising Swedish director has lost his way. His TOGETHER (2000, 4.5 CATS) was an outstanding film, funny and chance-taking. I next saw LILYA 4-EVER (2002, 3.5 CATS) & while I had some feelings for the turgid drama I was let-down after the earlier work. A HOLE IN MY HEART in many ways feels like a DOGMA film but nothing is forgiven due to the total unattractiveness of the 4 principles. In a rundown apartment a man and his friend decide to film an amateur pornographic film. The young woman that goes along with the project is treated abysmally (mentally & physically) by the men while the comatose son of one of the men looks on with increased horror. While nowhere near as disgusting as Catherine Breillat’s abysmal ANATOMY OF HELL this turkey is a must-to-avoid. I’ve heard better things about his recent MAMMOTH, but we’ll see. 2 cats“