By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Emmanuel Carrère
Starring: Cylia Malki | Emmanuelle Devos | Hippolyte Girardot | Mathieu Amalric | Vincent Lindon

Country: france
Year: 2006
Running time: 84
Bruce says: “A meditation on the complexities of intimate relationships, LA MOUSTACHE is successful up to a point. One day, Marc (Vincent Lindon) asks his wife Agnès (Emmanuelle Devos) if he should shave off his moustache. She replies indifferently. When he does consummate the act a few days later, she does not notice nor do his friends and co-workers. Marc is tortured by their unresponsiveness and begins to question every aspect of his existence. The film thus begins an exploration of the fine line between fantasy and reality. Carrère examines many aspects of self doubt. Exactly how do others see us? How do we feel perceived? How close can we ever get to those we love? In LA MOUSTACHE, it matters not at all whether events – big or small – really happen. What matters is whether we feel the impact.
“Some viewers may want a more literal interpretation of events as the action moves from Paris to Hong Kong where film takes a wicked turn. Vincent Lindon is quite effective as the increasingly perplexed Marc. Emmanuelle Devos is not at the top of her game here. Her tone is a bit too accusatory for the viewer to remain impartial, an essential ingredient in making the film work. 3.5 cats
“LA MOUSTACHE was shown as part of the Rendezvous with French Cinema Festival at Lincoln Center”
Michael says: “LA MOUSTACHE is one of those movies that I quite enjoy. Good performances, well-shot, and with lots of room for interpretation; a film that I sort of get, but requires some thought and discussion afterwards to fully understand what’s going on up there. Marc (Vincent Lindon) has been happily married to Agnès (Emmanuelle Devos, KINGS & QUEEN) for several years. One morning he decides to shave his moustache after Agnès says she wouldn’t know him without it. He playfully hides his face surreptitiously after shaving until finally facing Agnès and awaiting her reaction. When none comes, he is at first perplexed, then disappointed, then annoyed. His annoyance is aggravated when they arrive at their friends’ Serge and Nadia’s house to celebrate their daughter’s birthday and they don’t respond to the absence of his moustache. Things get even stranger that night when he confronts Agnès about her lack of comment and that’s just the beginning.
“This existential thriller takes a couple of surprising turns in its examination of identity and perception, and the strong acting by Lindon and Devos propel the story forward. Lindon, whose expressive face was last seen by Chlotrudis members in the Chlotrudis Award-winning FRIDAY NIGHT, conveys much with his quiet internal performance. Devos’ role is difficult, having to straddle a fine line between two possible stories. Director Emmanuel Carrère also wrote the screenplay adapted from a novel that he co-wrote with Jérôme Beaujour. The Philip Glass score skirts the edge of overdone, but ultimately works well. To reveal any more of the story would take away from the enjoyment from those who haven’t seen the film, but if you appreciate character pieces that require a little thought, LA MOUSTACHE is for you. 4 cats”
Beth Caldwell says: “I LOVED this film! I found it compelling from the first scene. I thought the actors did a superb job and the design of the film was excellent. It was the kind of movie that becomes maddening as the plot twists in different directions, and I won’t get into details so as to prevent any spoilers. I’ll just quote what Michael said after the flick and agree that ‘It’s not about the moustache.’ According to IMDB, this is writer/director Emmanuel Carrère’s 2nd directorial work, with his first a documentary. If this is true, I think that this filmmaker has really proven himself capable as director of anarrative film, and I can’t wait to see more of his work. 4.5 cats”