By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Bart Freundlich
Starring: Billy Crudup | Cleavant Derricks | Julianne Moore | Karen Allen | Liane Balaban

Country: canada, united_states
Year: 2002
Running time: 103
Michael says: “Freundlich’s second feature film (following THE MYTH OF FINGERPRINTS) tells the story of one man’s struggle with his father. Billy Crudup plays Cal, married with one son, successful architect, and facing deep abandonment issues revolving around his absent father. When Cal abruptly leaves his family to travel across the country, he seems to be following in the footsteps of the father he has resented for so long. With each person he meets, he begins to see himself ever more clearly until he must make a decision that will affect him for the rest of his life. Strong supporting performances include Julianne Moore’s free spirited mom and a lovely cameo by Karen Allen.” 3 1/2 cats
Nathaniel R. says: “Surprisingly the great void that is ‘Cal’ is very nearly redeemed by one particular chapter in his journey and one particular actor in the film. Julianne Moore’s sudden entrance about two thirds in proves an irreplaceable contribution to the film. She plays Dulcie, a drunk possible nutcase that our anti-hero Cal meets in a bar on his long directionless journey across
America. I’ve been a fan of Moore’s work for a long time and I’ve seen all of her films (every last thing except, of course, the daytime soap she started in.) By now, Moore’s bag of performance tricks have become slightly familiar… but there’s still no denying their screen potency. You can watch her, think you know what she’s doing and still fall unknowingly under her spell. She
is, unquestionably, one of the great screen actors. If Dulcie is a minor character in her impressive roster of roles, she’s still essential to the film and Julianne Moore is irresistible in the role. For a brief shining moment the film’s ominous underlying theme, parental panic, roars to the surface with great immediacy and clarity.”
For Nathaniel’s complete review: “”