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Session 9

Country: united_states

Year: 2001

Running time: 100


Diane says: “What has happened to Brad Anderson? NEXT STOP, WONDERLAND was such a lovely and original film. Now we get his hackneyed attempt at horror in SESSION 9, and Stephen B. (sorry to steal your lines) reports that his other film on the brink of release, HAPPY ACCIDENTS, is not worth seeing.

“SESSION 9 uses as its spooked locale the real-life defunct Danvers State Hospital (not far from Chlotrudis headquarters). A hazmat team is brought in to take out the asbestos tiles, etc. before the gorgeous late-nineteenth-century insane asylum building is renovated for a new use.

“Problems: over an hour is spent setting up the situation before the horror moves in; some of the acting is not so good; personal clashes between the five hazmat guys are clichéd; the ‘show, don’t tell’ dictum is doubly neglected with expository monologues on the one hand and showing that doesn’t tell anything on the other; lots of the plot elements don’t mesh or go anywhere; it didn’t matter which of the five characters turned out to be the baddie–I didn’t like any of them. I could go on with particulars… Seems like Anderson had a germ of an idea with the building, but it doesn’t pan out properly.” 1 cat

Laura says: “Anderson knows how to build tension. As his characters go off on their individual side tracks, he cuts to the other team members innocently going about their jobs. Each will be impacted by the actions of the others in some way. But above all, Anderson knew a location in need of a horror film when he spotted one.”4 cats

For Laura’s complete review: “

Michael says:”When it comes to horror movies, I’m a big whimp. However I truly enjoy supernatural suspense/psychological thrillers a la BLAIR WITCH PROJECT, where the scary stuff is what you don’t see… Which brings me to SESSION 9, Brad Anderson’s (NEXT STOP, WONDERLAND) fourth film, and his stab at the horror genre. I found it utterly disturbing and entertaining.

“Gordon (Peter Mullan, THE CLAIM, MISS JULIE) heads an asbestos removal company that desperately needs to win the bid on the Danvers State Mental Hospital, closed since the mid-80’s. His troubled crew consists of Phil (David Caruso) who lost his girl to Hank. Their relationship is problematic to say the least. Add to that Mike, a Tufts Law School dropout who becomes enthralled by the records and taped sessions of former patients that he finds in the basement, and Jeff (Brendan Sexton III, WELCOME TO THE DOLLHOUSE) Gordon’s nephew who suffers from nictophobia… fear of the dark.

“While the crew struggles with their own interpersonal relationships, the Hospital itself takes over.  In the tradition of the best haunted house films, SESSION 9 sets up the imposing structure as the central character. Gordon starts acting strangely, Hank disappears, Mike grows increasingly drawn into the taped nine sessions of Mary Hobbes, a split personality. And through it all, Danvers State Mental Hospital looms over the activity. Anderson borrows from classic horror, while nodding toward that modern classic,THE BLAIR WITCH PROJECT as well. He’s not without a sense of humor either… and for me at least, the chills and thrills were there. Mullan handles the tortured Gordon well and Sexton III is always fun to see. Caruso was the only weak link… I never saw his appeal on the big or small screen, and his performance is a little ham-handed here. But complex characters, adept use of misdirection and a minimum of gore make SESSION 9 a winner with me.” 3 1/2 cats

Robin says: “SESSION 9″ is an unusual feat. It is scary, doesn’t use cheap tricks and raises goose bumps with its intelligently rendered, subtle horror. Because of the local interest of Danvers, it should do well with the Northeast crowd. I hope it gets the national distribution it deserves.” 4 cats

For Robin’s complete review: “”

Stephen says: “I have to agree with Diane that SESSION 9 turned out to be quite a disappointment. It was competently filmed at least (unlike HAPPY ACCIDENTS), but its writing and some of its acting left a lot to be desired. I was particularly bothered by the goriness of the ending (even though I am a HANNIBAL fan…), because I didn’t feel the film had earned its right to assault us in this way. So much seemed so arbitrary. To choose one element among many that were under-served (like one characters nictophobia) – the exposition goes to a lot of trouble to let us know that this job is very important to the asbestos removal firm, and that they have seriously underbid other firms by promising to get it done in only one week, rather than the three that one of them thinks should be the minimum. Yet during the 4 days we see them at work, none seems to be in any particular hurry. What’s up with that?” 1 3/4 cats


Session 9

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