By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.3 cats
Director: Paul Pavlikovsky
Starring: Artyom Strelnikov | Dina Korzun | Paddy Considine

Country: united_kingdom
Year: 2001
Running time: 73
Michael says: “Low budget, indie films don’t get much better than LAST RESORT. When a Russian woman and her son must pretend to be political refugees after her fiancee doesn’t show up at the airport to pick her up, they have no idea the situation they’re putting themselves into. Placed at an immigration center for up to 16 months while waiting for paperwork to clear, Tanya and Artyom’s future seems unclear.
“Director Pawel Pawlikowski relies on superbly natural performances from his three leads, striking cinematography, and a harsh, yet simultaneously warm story that centers on a beautiful mother-son relationship. I mourn the passing of Shooting Gallery, the distribution company responsible for releasing films such as this and JUDY BERLIN. 4 1/2 cats
Kevin says: “This is an absolutely amazing film. I highly recommend that all members seriously consider getting ahold of this screener. A young woman named Tanya (Dina Korzun) emigrates with her son (Artyom Strelnikov) from Russia to the UK, where she is to meet her fiancé. When he fails to show up at the airport, she is forced to declare herself a refugee. As a result she and her son are put into what is basically a hotel-style concentration camp set in a broken-down amusement park town, and are not allowed to leave due to a bunch of bureaucratic nonsense. Things gradually get worse for the pair as the ‘fiancé’ abandons them altogether and they are left with nothing. This film is a knock out. Korzun gives one of 2001’s best performances…subtle, absolutely brilliant. Strelnikov, in his debut performance, is pretty much impeccable. Paddy Considine is remarkable as well as an arcade owner who befriends Tanya and her son. Director Paul Pavlikovsky infuses his story with a delicate compassion and optimism, while remaining honest and gritty in his storytelling. I really can’t do it justice…but this film is a masterpiece…just please see it.” 5 cats
Ellen says: “I’m glad I had the opportunity to catch this, because it is a great little film. LAST RESORT successfully delivers a story of a Russian woman with her son who is sent to a refugee community in England when her anticipated English fiancee does not appear at the airport to pick her up when she arrives from Russia. At first she tries to find the fiancee to get her out of her dismal surroundings. Meanwhile, a local Englishman falls in love with her. Life is grim and the filmmaker portrays this wonderfully with the sparse surroundings and effective use of lighting. Dina Korzun is wonderful as the lead actress. The story perfectly depicts her very Russian soul.” 4 1/2 cats
Nathaniel says: “I really enjoyed this too. Very spare and just… I don’t know… beautiful. When I saw it in the theater it was preceded by Guy Maddin’s HEART OF THE WORLD so it was pretty much a great night out at the movies. In addition to the qualities LAST RESORT has that Michael mentioned I thought the score was really good and the ending: Oh, how I love understated simple perfect resolutions to films. They are so rare.” 4 cats
Laura says: “Polish writer/director Pawel Pawlikowski has created a small gem of a movie. His and cowriter Rowan Joffe’s creative blending of an almost Kafkaesque political situation with both a gentle love story and a mother’s journey to maturity is riveting storytelling. Visually, he and director of photography Ryszard Lenczewski combines jarringly close hand held camerawork with gorgeously framed, pastel character palleted landscapes. Original music by Max de Wardener adds melancholy with the ghost-like refrains of the shuttered amusement park.” 4 cats
For Laura’s complete review: “”
Robin says: “Dina Korzun, who looks like a Slavic Emily Watson, is perfect as Tanya. She is protective of her son, but is at the mercy of the authorities that interned her. Her one failed escape attempt is met with the threat of real incarceration, driving Tanya to even deeper frustration. Korzun gives a subtle performance as she realizes that her choices have put her and Artiom in such dire straits. Complementing Korzun is a truly likable performance by Paddy Considine as Alfie. The affection he feels for Tanya and Artiom is palpable and naturally rendered. Young Artiom Strelnikov makes an impressive debut as the savvy son with his own share of problems coping with the situation.” 4 cats
For Robin’s complete review: “”