Ivy says: “If you missed FRIDAY NIGHT when it played in the Boston’s Women’s Fest this Spring, please consider going tonight to the Monday Night at the Movies, or catching it at the Kendall before it leaves this Thursday. This,
Diane says: “Great perfs by Campbell Scott and Hope Davis; I loved the ambivalence of the ending.” 4 cats Esme says: “I caught this one the other night. I don’t have that much to say about it. The intentionally
Hilary says: “Normally I’m not a fan of ‘feel-good’ movies. However, CAMP won over my inner cynic through the successful combination of two guilty pleasures – the teen romantic comedy and the summer camp movie – with musical numbers. “I’m
Ellen says: “I can see that MAMA might be a ‘teen movie’ because it is about teens and has those silly things that teens do – fart jokes, drinking, etc as noted by others. But, I felt these elements were
Nathaniel R. says: “Though Zaza or ‘Dooby’ as his girlfriend calls him, is a grown man who everyone treats like a boy, they’re angry that he doesn’t grow up. His family is maddened by his indifference to the bridal candidates
Corinne says: “I loved PRINCESS AND THE WARRIOR! I hadn’t read about it so it was a complete surprise. Cinematography and Acting nomination for Potente I think for me- maybe more. I had to laugh at the button/glass slipper symbolism-
Howard says: “I LOVE a good ghost story and have been looking forward to seeing this for a few weeks. Thankfully, none of my friends who had seen it gave it away. “I thought the entire cast was terrific especially