Orca (2023)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Sahar Mosayebi
Starring: Hassan Zarei | Mahtab Keramati | Mahtab Nasirpour | Taraneh Alidoosti

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Sahar Mosayebi
Starring: Hassan Zarei | Mahtab Keramati | Mahtab Nasirpour | Taraneh Alidoosti
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Asghar Farhadi
Starring: Hamid Farokhnezhad | Hediyeh Tehrani | Houman Seyyedi | Pantea Bahram | Sahar Dolatshahi | Taraneh Alidoosti
Michael says: “The first film by Farhadi that I saw was the riveting A SEPARATION, released in US in 2012, which I didn’t realize was his first film until quite a bit later. His follow-up film, the nearly as riveting
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Asghar Farhadi
Starring: Babak Karimi | Mehdi Koushki | Mina Sadati | Shahab Hosseini | Taraneh Alidoosti
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Asghar Farhadi
Starring: Ahmad Mehranfar | Golshifteh Farahani | Mani Haghighi | Marila Zare’I | Peyman Moaadi | Rana Azadvar | Saber Abbar | Shahab Hosseini | Taraneh Alidoosti
Bruce says: “ABOUT ELLY is gathering laurels on more the one continent. Director Asghar Farhadi won directorial award at the Berlin Film Festival earlier in 2009 and the film recently won the Best Picture award at the Tribeca Film Festival.
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