The Roads Not Taken (2020)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Sally Potter
Starring: Branka Katic | Elle Fanning | Javier Bardem | Salma Hayek

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Sally Potter
Starring: Branka Katic | Elle Fanning | Javier Bardem | Salma Hayek
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Kim Nguyen
Starring: Alexander Skarsgård | Jesse Eisenberg | Michael Mando | Salma Hayek
Thom says: “I’ve only seen 2 of Canadian director Nguyen’s mediocre fare (WAR WITCH & 2 LOVERS & A BEAR) and this turgid effort won’t add to his appeal. It might well be that the plot went right over my
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Fred Wolf
Starring: Alec Baldwin | Jim Gaffigan | Joe Manganiello | Salma Hayek | Treat Williams
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Álex de la Iglesia
Starring: Antonio Garrido | Blanca Portillo | Fernando Tejero | Jose Mota | Juan Luis Galiardo | Salma Hayek
Jason says: “Is Álex de la Iglesia getting a little soft as he ages? Though he’s not credited with the screenplay here (nor is frequent collaborator Jorge Guerricaechevarría), it still seems a bit surprising that de la Iglesia, given material
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2 cats
Director: Robert Rodriguez
Starring: Antonio Banderas | Johnny Depp | Mickey Rourke | Salma Hayek
Howard says: “As exciting as the trailer was, the film is not. Robert Rodriguez has attempted to make another Mexican mythology picture in his ‘El Mariachi’ series. Oh, it’s pretty, there are a couple of great action sequences and all
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Julie Taymor
Starring: Alfred Molina | Ashley Judd | Geoffrey Rush | Salma Hayek
Emily & Greg say: “This was a surprisingly rich and engaging bio-pic of Frida Kahlo, largely driven by Salma Hayak’s compelling performance as Kahlo and Alfred Molina’s as husband Diego Rivera. This is a film that may end up finding
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