TC says: “I know it’s not eligible for the Trudys, but it’s a masterpiece all the same… don’t want to say much because you need to see it, but it’s going to give the very good but not perfect FINDING
Jason says: “It’s been far too long since I’ve read far too little Dickens, but that actually matters not a whit in appreciating THE INVISIBLE WOMAN; though knowing some details of his work certainly will help, this story of him
Jason says: “When trailers for THE GRAND BUDAPEST HOTEL first started appearing a few months ago, I felt some apprehension. Not so much because I often think I like director Wes Anderson less than I do, but because a large
Thom says: “Director Newell has proved himself to be an able and durable director without ever establishing an oeuvre. With such varied entries as FOUR WEDDINGS & A FUNERAL, DANCE WITH A STRANGER, THE GOOD FATHER, ENCHANTED APRIL, AN AWFULLY
Thom says: “Being such a huge fan of Shakespeare I expected this film to be superlative, and by God it was even better than I had anticipated. After sitting through ANONYMOUS this film was a breath of fresh air, all
Diane says: “My stomach was in knots during the whole of THE HURT LOCKER a fine-grained study of a three-man American bomb squad unit in Iraq. Camera stays so close to the characters that you think what they think. The
Toni says: “IN BRUGES is a very unique dark comedy directed by Martin McDonagh who won the Academy Award in 2005 for his Live Action Short, SIX SHOOTER. I say it is very unique because it has some incredibly funny
Bruce says: “From the time they first formed Merchant Ivory Productions in 1961 producer Ishmael Merchant and director James Ivory worked together on twenty seven films, the most lauded of which are THE REMAINS OF THE DAY, MAURICE, A ROOM
Bruce says: “Had anyone asked I would have said John Le Carré is prolific, but that is hardly the case considering he has published only eighteen novels in forty four years. “Le Carré (The Tailof of Panama, The Spy Who
Esmé says: “This was great and who saw it? I thought Fiennes was great, and so was the directing. Lots of cats. (A man is released from the asylum and returns to his old neighborhood where he tries to make