Chris says: “When Elliot Page announced his transition, I was curious as to how this might change his acting career; his first major film role since then does suggest a new phase, returning to the small-scale, nuanced indie dramas that showcased his
Jeff says: “I haven’t seen any mention of this anywhere, it’s a fine twisty and suspenseful story, that maybe suffers a little from its limited design budget, but works hard at keeping you on your seat.”
Jason says: “HAUNTER is the kind of horror movie that is in many ways so well-built that it almost gets in its own way when someone sees it, likes it, and wants to recommend it: The film has a hook
Bruce says: “ILL FATED, a very black tragicomedy, is clever enough to make an audience laugh and I admit I was laughing along with the others. But my laughter made me feel a bit dirty and somewhat of a lesser