Life is Beautiful (1998)
By Michael Colford
Director: Roberto Benigni
Starring: Giorgio Cantarini | Horst Buchholz | Marisa Paredes | Nicoletta Braschi | Roberto Benigni

By Michael Colford
Director: Roberto Benigni
Starring: Giorgio Cantarini | Horst Buchholz | Marisa Paredes | Nicoletta Braschi | Roberto Benigni
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.4
Director: Pedro Almodóvar
Starring: Antonio Banderas | Eduard Fernández | Elena Anaya | Jan Cornet | Marisa Paredes | Roberto Álamo
Bruce says: “THE SKIN I LIVE IN is an adaptation of the French novel Mygale by Thierry Jonquet. Judging from what I have read about the novel, Almodóvar’s adaptation is a very loose one. For a decade I have wished
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Guillermo del Toro
Starring: Eduardo Noriega | Federico Luppi | Marisa Paredes
Howard says: “A great film taking place near the end of the Spanish Civil war. Its being billed as a ghost story, but its really about how peoples pasts can completely control their present. The cast is great especially the
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