A Small Fortune (2023)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Adam Perry
Starring: Andrea Bang | Joel Thomas Hynes | Liane Balaban | Matt Cooke | Stephen Oates

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Adam Perry
Starring: Andrea Bang | Joel Thomas Hynes | Liane Balaban | Matt Cooke | Stephen Oates
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Mark Slutsky | Sarah Watts
Starring: Antoine Yared | Anwen O'Driscoll | Hasani Freeman | June Laporte | Liane Balaban
Michael says: “Thoughtful script, and some strong performances, coupled with a haunting, effective score, lift YOU CAN LIVE FOREVER above that could be TV movie fare. After the death of her father, a high school girl goes to Quebec to
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2.25
Director: Don McKellar
Starring: Brendan Gleeson | Gordon Pinsent | Liane Balaban | Taylor Kitsch
Jason says: “The previous version of THE GRAND SEDUCTION, a French-Canadian film, SEDUCING DR. LEWIS, from about ten years ago, seems to have been fairly well regarded along with being popular enough to inspire a remake. That isn’t necessarily surprising;
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Martin McGowan
Starring: Campbell Scott | Emm Gryner | Joshua Jackson | Liane Balaban
Marilyn says: “On Wednesday, we took whatever we could which turned out not to be so bad. We saw a small film that told a sweet and poignant story. ONE WEEK is a Canadian film and a love poem to
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4 cats
Director: Joel Hopkins
Starring: Dustin Hoffman | Eileen Atkins | Emma Thompson | Kathy Baker; | Liane Balaban
Jason says: “Looking at the seven-year gap in Joel Hopkins’s filmography makes me glad that, as much as I like movies, I’m not trying to make them. After all, JUMP TOMORROW had to have been considered something of a success
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Gary Yates
Starring: Jonas Chernick | Kevin Pollack | Liane Balaban
Bruce says: “Just when I think I’m tired of caper films, one comes along that seems to refresh the genre. SEVEN TIMES LUCKY is one of those surprises, not because the double-crosses are better than rival capers but because it
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.5 cats
Director: Bart Freundlich
Starring: Billy Crudup | Cleavant Derricks | Julianne Moore | Karen Allen | Liane Balaban
Michael says: “Freundlich’s second feature film (following THE MYTH OF FINGERPRINTS) tells the story of one man’s struggle with his father. Billy Crudup plays Cal, married with one son, successful architect, and facing deep abandonment issues revolving around his absent
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