The Lost Husband (2020)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Vicky Wight
Starring: Josh Duhamel | Kevin Alejandro | Leslie Bibb | Sharon Lawrence

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Vicky Wight
Starring: Josh Duhamel | Kevin Alejandro | Leslie Bibb | Sharon Lawrence
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 2.5 cats
Director: Jon Favreau
Starring: Gwyneth Paltrow | Jeff Bridges | Leslie Bibb | Robert Downey Jr | Terrence Howard
Michael says: “IRON MAN was big, loud and waaaay overrated. Surprisingly enough, my favorite part was Gwyneth Paltrow’s dignified, slightly goofy (just like the comic book character) portrayal of Pepper Potts. 2 ½ cats.”
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