Tragic Jungle (2021)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Yulene Olaizola
Starring: Eligio Meléndez | Gabino Rodríguez | Gilberto Barraza | Indira Rubie Andrewin | Mariano Tun Xool | Shantai Obispo

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Yulene Olaizola
Starring: Eligio Meléndez | Gabino Rodríguez | Gilberto Barraza | Indira Rubie Andrewin | Mariano Tun Xool | Shantai Obispo
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.25
Director: Nicolás Pereda
Starring: Francisco Barreiro | Gabino Rodríguez | Luisa Pardo
Chris says: “Strange little thing about a woman introducing her boyfriend to her family. It plays like a Mexican episode of Curb Your Enthusiasm directed by Roy Andersson: slow, deadpan, full of crossed wires and subtle digressions. I alternately laughed
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