Brett says: “Finally, a movie for those of us trapped in our own respective minds! But wait, surely there have been others featuring this concept, right? Did I just make a fool of myself? How do I get out of
Jason says: “There have generally been one or two movies like SONG OF THE SEA among the nominees every year since the Oscars started giving out an award for best animated feature, and they’re the best argument for the award’s
Thom says: “I’m a huge Ricky Gervais fan from back-in-the-day when he made a giant splash with his two television (UK) hits ‘THE OFFICE’ & ‘EXTRAS.’ His first starring role in American films was GHOST TOWN and it was lots
Chris says: “I’ve been wracking my brain trying to think of exceptional lead actresses to nominate this year. Just in time, Felicity Huffman slaughters any potential competition in a brave, absorbing turn as Bree, a 40-ish pre-operative man-to-woman transsexual. “One
Howard says: “I LOVE a good ghost story and have been looking forward to seeing this for a few weeks. Thankfully, none of my friends who had seen it gave it away. “I thought the entire cast was terrific especially