Alone Together (2022)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Katie Holmes
Starring: Derek Luke | Jim Sturgess | Katie Holmes | Melissa Leo

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Katie Holmes
Starring: Derek Luke | Jim Sturgess | Katie Holmes | Melissa Leo
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 3.25
Director: Chris Messina
Starring: Chris Messina | Derek Luke | Don Johnson | Jennifer Jason Leigh | Katie Nehra | Mary Elisabeth Winstead | Matthew Del Negro | Skylar Gaertner
Kyle says: “ALEX OF VENICE is a modest miniature about the emotional disruptions of marital break-up and the unexpected new details of daily life, a comedy of manners in which a comfortable lifestyle is a house of cards whose collapse
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: David Mamet
Starring: Derek Luke | Ed O'Neill | Tia Texada | Val Kilmer | Vincent D'Onofrio | William H. Macy
Peg says: “The characters in David Mamet’s new thriller might be mistaken for those in a Michael Crichton novel if not for their tendency to spout profane haiku instead of dialogue. Val Kilmer’s Robert Scott is an ex-Marine and Secret
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.3 cats
Director: Peter Hedges
Starring: Alice Drummond | Alison Pill | Derek Luke | Isiah Whitlock Jr. | John Gallagher Jr. | Katie Holmes | Lillias White | Oliver Platt | Patricia Clarkson | Sean Hayes
Diane says: “Well, the Village Voice might have called it ‘a gluttonous buffet of Sundance clichés, with an acid-reflux aftertaste of condescension and unexamined racism,’ but I’m giving it 5 cats! “PIECES OF APRIL was another delight–the story of a
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