Bruce says: “Director Michael Cuesta and screenwriter Dave Callaham go out of their way to tip their hats to Edgar Allan Poe. Cuesta has succeeded in creating a gothic atmosphere by filming TELL TALE in the old section of Providence,
Jason says: “It’s a terrible pun with which to lead off a review of a jailbreak movie, but in this case it is literally true: THE ESCAPIST hits the ground running. “The movie kicks off with the sound of alarms
Jason says: “One of the few things I miss about living in the suburbs versus the city is that it’s difficult for me to keep a dog. My family had them while I was growing up, and I envy my
Howard says: “Here we are again at the beginning of another summer season of blockbusters and, to start it all off, Hollywood has delivered unto us X2 (or X-MEN 2 if you prefer). And a little blessing it is. Especially
Phred says: “I just saw the 25TH HOUR, and read a bunch of reviews. Opinions are extremely mixed, with some people loving and others hating it. I loved it. It has many many faults. The dialog is sometimes embarrassing, the
Bob says: “L.I.E., at its base, is a pretty standard rites of passage story: a young boy considers his life and what he wants to become, or senses himself becoming, within a context that involves one absent parent, another who