The Shuroo Process (2021)
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Emrhys Cooper
Starring: Brad Dourif | Eric Roberts | Fiona Dourif | Hakeem Kae-Kazim | Jeff Hephner | Rachel McDowall | Rainey Qualley

By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Director: Emrhys Cooper
Starring: Brad Dourif | Eric Roberts | Fiona Dourif | Hakeem Kae-Kazim | Jeff Hephner | Rachel McDowall | Rainey Qualley
By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.75 cats
Director: Werner Herzog
Starring: Brad Dourif | Chloe Sevigny | Grace Zabriskie | Loretta Devine | Michael Peña | Michael Shannon | Willem Dafoe
Jason says: “The first two credits to appear on the screen in MY SON, MY SON, WHAT HAVE YE DONE are ‘David Lynch Presents’ and ‘A Film By Werner Herzog.’ If you recognize the names, you know that means there’s
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 1.5 cats
Director: Rob Zombie
Starring: Brad Dourif | Chase Wright Vanek | Malcolm McDowell | Margot Kidder | Mary Birdsong | Scout Taylor-Comptona | Sheri Moon Zombie
Thom says: “More than idle curiosity begs me to ask the question: why in the name of all that’s Holy is Rob Zombie continuing to make this done-to-death story. I had a healthy respect for Zombie’s rock group White Zombie,
Read the review...By Chlotrudis Independent Film Society
Rating: 4.8 cats
Director: Werner Herzog
Starring: Brad Dourif | Eva Mendes | Fairuza Balk | Jennifer Coolidge | Nicolas Cage | Val Kilmer
Thom says: “This film was an absolute blast and Herzog definitely has the last laugh. For months now folks have been moaning and wailing on the Internet about the horrible crime Herzog was committing by ‘remaking’ the Abel Ferrara classic
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