
Good Ol' Freda

Country: united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2013

Running time: 86


Chris says: “A half-century on, there’s not much about The Beatles that hasn’t already been revealed, explored or analyzed to death. The idea of a documentary centered on the band’s secretary and fan club president initially smacks of clutching at straws. However, once you meet Freda Kelly, you almost want to shame yourself for thinking such a thing. Now in her late sixties and still a secretary (albeit for a business that has nothing to do rock and roll), Kelly is one of the most genuine, down-to-earth persons having anything to do with the band’s legacy. She recounts seeing them in their pre-fame period playing at the Cavern
Club in Liverpool with the giddiness of a fan, and then goes on to talk about working for them professionally. With their unforeseen rapid surge in popularity and iconicity, she has no shortage of compelling anecdotes–one of the best is about answering enormous piles of fan mail (early on coming directly to her parent’s flat!). In time, she appears more and more like a colleague of the band and a confidant as well.

“What makes Kelly so engaging is her modesty and loyalty. She hasn’t tried to exploit her career for personal gain—she’s never
written a tell-all and rarely even talks to her children or friends about the experience. Therefore, we hang on every word when she lets loose with the occasional personal anecdote (like an altercation with John Lennon backstage at a concert) and admire her all the more for being discreet in a time where everyone with celebrity dish can’t wait to air their dirty laundry on tabloid television shows. Kelly’s restraint, however, works both ways and GOOD OL’ FREDA ends up feeling a little slight for a feature. You have to really care about The Beatles in order for Kelly’s tales to resonate, although Kelly herself is such a delight she may even inspire some Fab Four agnostics to become fans. 3.5 cats

“(This film screened at the 2013 Independent Film Festival of Boston).”




Good Ol’ Freda

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