Starring: | | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 2011

Running time: 96


Diane says: “I read conflicting reviews of SUPER. One called it ‘an unwieldy mix of juvenile jokery and attempted pathos that just doesn’t pay off’ (SF Chronicle); another ‘the second coming of the avant-garde in indie film’ and ‘occasionally brilliant’ (Salon). What’s a girl to do? See it for herself.

“I liked it! Plenty of laughs. And Ellen Page, whom I had tired of so many movies ago, is a delight in her role as the superhero’s overzealous sidekick.

“But I can see right through what director Gunn was doing. He calls SUPER an adaptation of William James’ ‘The Varieties of Religious Experience.’ But clearly it’s about a man exorcising codependency, which had temporarily destroyed his moral compass. Watch it and see if you agree. 3 1/2 cats


Julie says:  “Ellen Page and Rainn Wilson make this movie special. I started off not liking this but soon changed my mind. Very funny. Very Dark. Very poignant at times. That’s all I’ll say. Read Diane’s review for more commentary. 4 cats




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