
How to Live Forever

Country: united_states

Year: 2011

Running time: 92


Diane says: “Documentarian Mark Wexler, affected by the death of his mother, considers mortality and aging. Wexler is  unassuming and sympathetic, with a good sense of humor. I laughed a lot. He consults geriatricians, quacks, old people in California nursing homes and Okinawan towns, and friends for advice on how and whether to live a long time. Great moments include a visit with Jack LaLanne and a pint at the pub with a 101-year-old marathoner. Despite lack of focus toward the end, this film is an inspiring joy. You will find your perspective on aging and death represented. Or maybe you will change your mind. 4 cats

“(Wexler’s earlier doc was TELL THEM WHO YOU ARE, about his cinematographer father.)”


How to Live Forever

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