Director: |
Starring: | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 2009

Running time: 96


Diane says: “Latest Pixar is bedeviled by a MacGuffin chase that makes it generic. It’s the first half hour of the film, the beautifully moving story of a couple passing from youth to old age and relinquished dreams, that makes this movie worthwhile.

“But my father, who is in the old age category, was disgruntled that the movie’s theme is directed toward grown-ups–seniors, even–who can relate to the feeling of opportunities lost and grief unassuaged. He just wanted to see a good kids’ movie.

“The character of the octogenarian has more depth than you usually see in these films. Who cares about the dogs, the evil guy, and the battle over the giant bird? Not me. 3 cats. ”

Jason responds: “I love all that without reservation.  I mean, the dogs are talking dogs, including a fierce, nasty one with a helium voice.  The bird is cute, and leads to us to the evil guy, who contrasts perfectly with Carl.  We’ve seen Carl as a man filled with regret and not able to look past his disappointment that he and Ellie never managed to achieve their dreams, and then we meet this guy, who is capable of being brilliant, and he’s spent seventy years on an obsession, never touching the kind of happiness that Carl and Ellie had even with their disappointments.

“UP was brilliant.  The closest thing I’ve got to a complaint is that, since 3-D was evidently not introduced to the process until late in the game, it really isn’t used that well – I really wanted to get the feeling of Carl’s house hanging in the air impossibly, but there’s never the sort of background that would make that trick work.”


Thom says: “This Oscar winner for Best Animation film of 2009 actually also got a nomination for Best Film. Still, I was tempted to pass on it, but three friends insisted I see it & I’m glad they did for the film is truly enchanting. Don’t get me started on the controversy on about whether the film is a dream sequence or not. I mean, who cares, as if animation is about reality! I love fans’ involvement but that’s a step too far for me. Besides the gorgeous Pixar animation I especially loved the colors of the balloons keeping the house afloat & the magnificent, iridescent plumage on the silly bird. I thought the script was excellent for this genre; I was drawn to it immediately at the beginning where the story runs through our hero’s life in a matter of minutes. That the champion of our protagonist turns out to be the story’s biggest villain is rather scary, but this type of detail presents a grabber for adults as well as smart children. Well-done!!! 4 1/2 cats





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