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Before the Rains

Country: india, united_kingdom, united_states

Year: 2008

Running time: 98


Bruce says: “**SPOILERS**

“During the British Raj, Britain’s nearly 100-year rule of India, Britain attempted to maintain a myth of white male supremacy while raping a country many times its size of natural resources. To say that the Brits were condescending and effete is an understatement. On the other hand, it would be incorrect to imply that all the British men were totally evil, at least not until cornered or threatened. That aside, there is little left to say about the last days of the British Raj that has not already been said. It is a huge black mark in history. The Indians, however, did not always behave admirably, either. BEFORE THE RAINS is very clear
on that point as well.

“Henry Moores (Linus Roache) has a large piece of land on which he is building a road that will permit him to get his harvests to market swiftly and safely. His right-hand man is T. K. (Rahul Bose) an educated Indian who falsely finds security in their friendship. As a token of his friendship, Henry gives T. K. a new pistol. Sajani (Nandita Das), the housekeeper, is a married woman who is T. K.’s sister. She is unhappily married to an abusive and unloving man she did not choose as a partner. Laura Moores (Jennifer Ehle), Henry’s wife, has been away in England for some time. While the cat’s been away the mouse has been very busy at play. Henry is having an affair with Sajani and they are not as discreet as they should be. Two young boys see them cavorting near a waterfall while on a honey collecting expedition.

“Sajani’s husband learns that she has been seen with ‘some man’ during the time when she is supposed to be at work. For that she is badly beaten and runs off to hide at T.K.’s cottage. When Henry says that she must not stay on his property Sajani is shocked for she is sure that the man she loves would not forsake her in such a moment of need. Henry talks T. K. into sending Sajani away, up the river. That plan goes awry as Sajani escapes from the boat and returns to her brother. No surprise, the pistol re-enters the picture and catastrophe follows. BEFORE THE RAINS is as much about the privilege of gender as it is about the privilege of race. The two issues become quite intertwined and, in doing so, create very much a lose-lose situation.

“The scenery is gorgeous. The cast, in general is excellent. The two male leads Linus Roache (PRIEST, BLIND FLIGHT, TWELVE AND HOLDING, and THE NAMESAKE) and Rahul Bose (MR. AND MRS. EYER, MEMORIES IN THE MIST) are outstanding. The somewhat hackneyed theme, however, diminishes everything else about the film. 3.5 cats




Before the Rains

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