
Clear Cut: the Story of Philomath, Oregon

Country: united_states

Year: 2006

Running time: 72


Bruce says: “Rex Clemens, born in 1901, owned one of twelve logging companies in Philomath, Oregon. Today Philomath is an
entirely different place. Depending on who is talking there are now just one or two logging companies and the spotted owl (plus greedy business practices) has decimated the business. Urban settlers are now moving into town and some school classes, where the children of loggers used to be the majority, contain not one child related to logging today. Clemens and his wife Ethel had no children but their love for children was the source of their legacy for this rural Oregon town. Feeling that the local children should not be dependent on timber, they set up a foundation which pays for compete college tuition for any graduate of Philomath High School.

“The Clemens Foundation is now in the hands of Rex Clemens’ three nephews, among others on the foundation board. Steve Lowther is the only nephew who appears in the film and may or may not be the designated spokesman for the trio. In any event, the three brothers decide that the Philomath High School is a case of ‘political correctness run amok.’ The biggest bone of contention is the removal of a wooden statue depicting a Native American chief with full headdress. The stature was the mascot
for the Philomath Warriors. Other sore issues for the nephews include the discussion of ecological issues in the schools, school dress codes, and flyers that the Gay/Straight Alliance Club passed out to their peers.

“Naturally when morals have deteriorated to such low levels, blame must be placed and Steve Lowther wastes no time in pointing fingers. His cause is specifically helped by Fox News who featured his outrage in a feature story. The Superintendent of Schools is branded as the source for the decline in standards. A special fact finding committee is appointed to verify the fact. When the committee returns a verdict in favor of the Superintendent, the Clemens Foundation vows to get even with the community and withdraws the tuition assistance which has been available since 1959.

“Steve Lowther claims that he spent ‘every waking hour in prayer’ at the height of this crisis and that he could ‘actually feel God’s arms around me’ as he stood to speak at a town meeting.

“The film features talking heads that include all the major players in the controversy. Peter Richardson slowly circles in on his story after first setting the scene and providing the necessary history. One cannot help feeling admiration for the educator whose stated goal is to help his students become critical thinkers. And one cannot help felling sorry for the many students who are losing tuition money. The Clemenses must be turning over and over in those graves. 3.5 cats

“CLEAR CUT: THE STORY OF PHILOMATH, OREGON was screened at the 2006 Provincetown International Film Festival.”




Clear Cut: the Story of Philomath, Oregon

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