Starring: | | | |


Country: united_states

Year: 2005

Running time: 96


Michael says: “Mike Mills’ THUMBSUCKER is a coming-of-age film that features some terrific performances but doesn’t really say anything new. Justin is a senior in high school who still sucks his thumb when he is stressed. He’s on the debate team, but is too caught up with mooning over the star debater, and lacks the confidence to be a real performer. His parents are facing those marriage doldrums that seem to afflict lots of parents approaching a mid-life crisis. When Justin is diagnosed as ADD and begins taking medication to combat this syndrome, he stops sucking his thumb and finds a confidence that enables him to become a star debater and brings out an arrogance that he’d previously lacked. Meanwhile, his mother takes a night job at a rehab clinic for celebrities, and Justin suspects she is having an affair with a television star that she admires.

“Mills has a strong eye, and his adapted screenplay keeps us interested in the characters, although that is largely due to the strengths of the acting. Tilda Swinton and Vincent D’Onofrio excel as Justin’s emotionally lost parents, and Vince Vaughn puts in an amusing turn as the teacher who coaches the debating team. Lou Taylor Pucci does a good job handling the complex Justin, but the script is too predictable to really give him too much nuance. Keanu Reaves also puts in a supporting turn as Justin’s philosophical dentist, but doesn’t really bring that much interesting to the role, and in fact, must deliver the most awkward scene in the film where he basically tells the audience the moral of the story. It’s an awkward and unfortunate addition to a film that otherwise would have been enjoyable. 3 cats.”


Diane says: “I took great pleasure in watching THUMBSUCKER.” For me, the characters made the movie–they had depth and eccentricity, and the casting choices were excellent (D’Onofrio, Swinton, Vaughn). Keanu Reeves’ character didn’t have depth, but sure made me laugh. Pucci, who has the central role, has a beautiful face. Michael faults the film for predictability. I fault it for some scenes where the dialogue went too deep too fast–I wouldn’t have minded if they had been drawn out more slowly and the scenes made longer. THUMBSUCKER is a close cousin of DONNIE DARKO. 4 cats


Scot says: “What I most liked about this film was the glorious soundtrack. And for those who know me – that’s a strange thing for me to say about any soundtrack featuring rock music by current (or *should* be current) artists. But the combination of late Elliott Smith and The Polyphonic Spree are inspired. I love the cover of ‘Trouble’ specifically. And for all the cheesiness of the film’s explicit ‘here’s the message, kids!’ ending, the songs really back up the idea that we’re, well… free to be you and me.”





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