The Brattle Film Foundation, the non-profit corporation that runs the Brattle Theatre, and the Chlotrudis Society for Independent Film, have joined together to launch an exciting new screening series with a distinctly independent and edgy attitude. This weekly Sunday morning event kicks-off on September 14 at 11:00 a.m.

Dubbed “The Sunday Eye-Opener” this series will feature independent and foreign films in an intimate environment that will encourage discussion. While classics that contribute to an understanding of independent film will occasionally be screened, most sessions will feature advance or sneak preview screenings. Each film will be screened at 11 am with a historical and/or cultural context provided by an intro from a Brattle staff person or Chlotrudis Board member. When available the theatre will be provided as a place for discussion after the film.

In addition to some of the latest independent releases coming to town, the Sunday Eye-Opener will feature cutting-edge films that are seeking distribution, as well as the work of local filmmakers who often seek a local screening. When possible, filmmakers will be invited to attend the screenings and participate in the discussions.

‘The Brattle Film Foundation and the Chlotrudis Society share an educational component to their mission statements, and this is an exciting way to create a forum for our members, ‘ says Ned Hinkle, Program Director for the Brattle Film Foundation. ‘We’re hoping that this is a series that can grow; a series where people will be able to sneak a peak at upcoming indie films well ahead of the pack. We think of this as a sort of semi-private, ongoing film festival.’

‘This will be a place to share knowledge and opinions,’ adds Chlotrudis President, Michael Colford, ‘We’re particularly excited about the prospect of screening some of the films that we see at festivals that never make it into a regular distribution network and hope that we will be able to form some real, ongoing bonds with emerging filmmakers.’

The Sunday Eye-Opener is a subscription-based series and will be broken up over the year into several 10 – 12 week ‘semesters.’ The cost of each semester will be $50 for the general public, $25 for Brattle members, $15 for Chlotrudis members and FREE for those who are members of both organizations. Subscriptions may be purchased anytime during the run of the semester, but only at the prices listed above.

This is a huge perk for Chlotrudis members, who will be potentially screening 12 preview films for a mere $15.00. That alone is worth the cost of a Chlotrudis membership. Even better is the deal for members of both organizations, who can attend the series for free. Take a look at the Chloturdis membership page, and visit the Brattle Film Foundation homepage to find out how to become a member of these organizations.

To enroll, interested individuals may simply e-mail or call 617.876.6838. Once subscribed, participants will receive a weekly e-mail notification letting them know the title of the week’s upcoming screening. Only subscribers will receive this information. Occassionally, depending on the nature of the film being screened, an individual screening may be opened to day-of-sale tickets, but subscribers will always have a seat set-aside for them. More information is available at the Brattle Theatre website.

Brattle Theatre and Chlotrudis Society Partnership a Real Eye-Opener
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